Jun 10, 2011

Lite Ice

Something is wrong with people.

I don't know if it's cultural or societal or what the difference between those even is, but I know that there is something seriously messed up, and don't even get me started on groups of people. Once you get four or more people in a room it's like watching American Idol, everyone is trying to shine in a group of other astoundingly dull people and none of them are succeeding.

This may all sound very cynical, but you'll understand when I tell you what sparked this.

We went to Wendy's, I got an iced tea. No big deal, right? Wrong. Because after a couple minutes my large size cup was mysteriously empty of liquid. When I took the cap off I realized it, those Wendy's people had screwed me over. They'd convinced me through clever programming and subtle brainwashing that it was the best value to get the large, that you were getting so much more and paying so much less.

None of this is true. When I took off the lid I discovered it, they'd filled my cup to the very top with ice, so that in reality my cup only held about as much liquid as a child size would.

This brought to light several recurring issues.

1) American Idol has sucked since season four.

2) I have unresolved trust issues because the ending of Lost was terrible.

3) I've learned more life lessons from watching Sponge Bob than I have from reading books.

I don't know what any of that has to do with the rest of this post or why they were all television related (besides the fact that I'm bitter about how bad American Idol is), but I feel like you all should know what you're getting into.

So I guess this is goodbye, until the next time I need an excuse to not exercise.


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