Jun 17, 2011

Smoothie Coma

The past three days I've become addicted to smoothies. I have consumed six smoothies in the last three days alone. Do the math. WAIT, too late, I already did it. That's two smoothies a day. Are you as disgusted with yourself as I am? You shouldn't be. You're not the one consuming obscene amounts of sherbet and fruit juice on a daily basis.

The great thing about smoothies is that you can create so many different combinations. You never get bored. My favorite right now is definitely strawberry-pineapple with passion fruit sorbet and papaya juice. But no matter how many different combinations you create, you always have that same smooth, smoothie texture and iciness. It's incredible. It's like heavy metal bands, no matter how many different words they find with more than five syllables to name their songs after, they'll still be churning out the same exact thing over and over. Except with smoothies it's actually enjoyable.

And, this may be my perpetual sugar high talking, but I'm starting to feel a little bit bad about how many things I've bashed over the course of this blog already. I especially hope no one at all with an attachment to American Idol reads this blog. They might have an emotional breakdown. Which pretty much alienates about 80% of people with an Internet connection.

But hey, alienating people is one of my special skills. Like when I tell people that I didn't like Titanic or that I don't believe dinosaurs ever existed. I bet with those two facts alone someone could convince you I'm a terrible person.

Also, I think drinking soda is disgusting. Especially diet soda.

I should probably just stop here before someone actually gets offended.

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